Jesus knew how it felt to have people say ugly things about him. He knew what it was like to have people just walk away from him, no longer supporting Him. He knew the sting of betrayal.
And yet He said, love those enemies. And not only love them, but do good to those who hate you. And not only do good, but bless those who curse you. And not only bless them, but pray for those who hurt you.
Wait, WHAT?
So, she LIED about me and spread those lies all over the place and I’m supposed to LOVE her? He promised to be there, to love me and take care of me forever, and now he’s with someone else and I’m supposed to PRAY for him?
Hey, Jesus, why don’t you just ask me
to cut my own throat?
That’s exactly what Jesus was telling us, to die to self. Let go of what seems your due in order to be different, to call attention to the Savior rather than your recompense.
And you see that He doesn’t just leave it at love your enemies. No, He knew that we would do that “Well, I love them, but I’m not going to have anything to do with them” thing and He knew that still made self god. That was unacceptable.
- Whoever acts as your enemy, love ’em.
- Those who act as though they hate you, do good to and for them.
- Anyone who curses you? Bless them.And not just our dear Southern “bless your heart,” you have to mean it.
- Whoever has hurt you, pray for them — and that isn’t asking God to take them out of this world. REALLY pray FOR them.
When we choose to live this way, putting Jesus’ ways ahead of our own desires, we honor Him. By our obedience to Him, we prove our love for Him. Our difference from our old ways and the ways of the world will prove to others that we are His.
Surrender your will to Jesus to be operated by the Holy Spirit. It’s much easier than having Him break it to remold you, I promise.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.