Services Done for You
Press Release
When do you need a press release?
Any time you’ve got news
regarding your business or content.
Just wrote a book? Fabulous! Let’s get a press release out there to let the world know.
Your book just turned ten years old? Celebrate the “birthday” with a press release.
Big event planned? Let’s let the community know about it!
Launching a new website?
Starting a new business? Refreshing your old business?
New products? New services?
A well-written press release will stir up interest in your event, product, or business, and possibly score interviews for you on radio, television, as well as online and print news outlets.
Not everyone is a copywriter, and that’s okay. I will provide you with a press release you can send to your local news outlets. My premium package will provide an online version of it that will be distributed across the global newswires and search engines.
All you have to do is provide the information needed (I’ll provide a form).
Note: production of this press release does not guarantee any interview or publication other than the distribution provided in the package.
Back Cover Copy
What’s so important about the description on the back cover of your book?
Your cover entices people to pick up your book or click for more information. The description on the back motivates them to purchase it.
You want it to capture the potential buyer’s attention without giving too much information away. It’s a delicate balance.
Not everyone is a copywriter, and that’s okay. I will provide you with the content to add to your back cover, including your author bio.
All you have to do is provide the information needed (I’ll provide a form). This will include the table of contents of your book, and any calls to action you have included.
Note: production of this back cover copy does not guarantee sales or recognition.
Custom Book Trailer
Why do you need a book trailer?
Video captures attention more than text.
You just wrote a book? Fantastic! Let’s make sure the world knows it’s about to be published!
A brilliant piece of marketing your book is a trailer — like a movie trailer — giving a peek into what you’ve written. Nonfiction or fiction, a video can show off your book’s content piquing interest and building launch momentum.
A well-done book trailer will stir up interest in your book, and possibly score interviews for you on radio, television, as well as online and print news outlets.
You’ll be able to share your trailer on social media platforms, your Amazon page, and YouTube.
You will provide the information needed (I’ll provide a form) and I’ll get to work. I will get your approval on each element before proceeding. Depending on speed of communication, this process could take up to a month.
The basic book trailer package: You provide the script and voiceover files.
The premium book trailer package: I will provide the script and voiceover files.
Note: production of this book trailer does not guarantee any sales, views, likes, or other accolades.