What happens if I praise God with all of my heart? Does that change the circumstances I’m dealing with? Does it make my life easier? Better?
There you go again, thinking about you, but yes, it does make your life easier and better. No, it doesn’t change the circumstances, but it does change you, and that’s even better.
Yes, pain might still be there. Yes, consequences still have to be dealt with. Yes, we may have to work with ‘them’ and ‘they’ with us. HOWEVER, with the right focus, any problems are put into a correct perspective, sometimes eliminated, all by recognizing His presence.
Let’s try it today. Make a list of some of the marvelous things He has done. An actual, physical list where you use a pen/pencil and paper. This is a beginning. Leave room to grow. Place that list where you can see it and easily add to it.
If you can’t see His marvelous deeds in your own life, write down the ones you’ve seen in scripture or in the lives of others. Soon, you’ll be able to identify your own.
Let’s get started.
1.) He set up salvation for me.
2.) He has given me back my health.
3.) He has provided a fabulous home.
4.) He has given me three healthy sons (two without labor), daughters-in-love, and three healthy
5.) He has provided all the food I need.
6.) …
If you’re willing, share some of your list below. Let’s start a revolution of praise for our Father in Heaven!
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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Faye Bryant is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals escape the lies of the enemy, live into God’s truth, and build a better life by first feeling, dealing, and healing their way through a stuck future or an abused past, toward a deeper path of purpose, and into the unhackable life of their chosen legacy. Hers is a story of resurrection: from death to life!
Having always been needle-phobic and fearful of pain and suffering, I was amazed (still am), humbled, and thankful beyond words at how God supplied courage and lifted me above fear during 14 months of a cancer diagnosis and treatment. He actually gave me joy as He revealed more of who He is to me during that year. I still thank Him for that miraculous time and am comforted to know He is and always will supply what I need to get through the storms in this life.
This is such an awesome testimony of Who our God is and what He does for us. Exactly what David was talking about doing. Thank you for sharing.