Peace that is unbreakable and impenetrable. Peace that never stops, never changes, never dies.
How do we get THAT kind of peace? How do we even begin to look for it?
Isaiah answered that question for us when he prayed to God, “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”
If I want that perfect peace, I must trust in God and fix my thoughts on Him. Easy-peasy, right?
Sure it is … and it isn’t.
Keeping my thoughts on God is really easy when life is going good, when income is good, conflicts are nonexistent, the kids behave and the dog doesn’t make a mess. It’s easy to throw a “Thanks, God!” up when everything is going right according to our plans.
When those things change, though, oftentimes our eyes and thoughts move away from the Father. We set Him aside so we can take care of the mess.
In our storms and turmoils we are attacked by the urgent and immediate and it’s so easy to shift focus to what’s in front of us instead of Who is in us.
Our perfect peace lies in the hands
of the One who made us.
It’s time to put our trust and focus where they belong. I mean, who doesn’t want to lower their stress levels?
Let’s take a breath today and rest in our Savior and King. Let’s turn all our cares over to Him. Let’s trust Him for everything from our health to our parking space. Let’s focus on Who He is instead of what is bothering us.
Let’s take action today toward that perfect peace that is unbreakable, impenetrable, never stops, never changes, never dies.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.