Have you ever done a “so that”?
You clean the kitchen each night so that it’s ready for breakfast.
You enroll your children in sports so that they learn teamwork.
… and so on.
Seems we learned that from God Himself. Here we see that He doesn’t give us comfort just so we are comforted. He has a higher, further purpose: so that we can comfort others.
We will definitely come across others who need comfort, regardless what caused their need.
“But, Faye! I’m horrible at
trying to comfort someone!
I say all the wrong things!”Don’t I know THAT feeling!?!
Thing is, really all we have to do is share how God comforted us.
For example, just over five years ago when Jack had that aneurysm that nearly stole his life, I knew it was serious. But as I was stumbling from one ER to the next, God prevented me from the realization of just HOW serious. He knew I needed to make informed decisions and that my faith needed to remain strong.
When the nurses “called the family in to say goodbye” I never realized that’s what it was until a week later. God shielded me. I’m so grateful He did! I was able to continue to speak life over my beloved instead of believing the death sentence medical folks were expecting. (There were several other ways He comforted, but y’all don’t have all day here!)
Now I can share those stories with people as they go through rough times, usually having one that matches where they are and what they’re dealing with, offering comfort from the Heavenly Father that is beyond any capabilities I might have.
Don’t be afraid to share the things God has done for you. Look back at those painful times and take note of how He comforted you, how He brought you through. It may not have been pain-free, but you’re on this side now and you have the ability to comfort others.
“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”
Let’s have those stories ready so the next time we have to hold a hand or look into teary eyes, we have real comfort to give. Let’s start today.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.