As believers in Jesus, followers determined to grow to a maturity in Him, we are recreated beings. We are no longer the same. Our hearts, minds, and souls are renewed.
POOF! We’re all new, never to sin or fall short again. Yay!
Except, we still have that prickly thing called free choice.

Yes, we’ve been changed from the old sinful us to a new righteous us. We’ve been washed clean of the stuff that kept us from God’s presence and can now enter in. We were against God and now we’re with Him.
We have the option to choose Christ each day or to choose self, though. We don’t have to have the complete regeneration, but we do need a cleansing. Like Peter when he wanted Jesus to wash him all over and Jesus said his feet were enough.
Even though we are these new righteous creatures, we sometimes soil our lives with things displeasing to God. Thankfully, He understood that and made provision for that. John wrote in 1 John 1:9 that if we confess (agree with God) our sins, that God is faithful to His word and just in all His ways to forgive us those sins and will cleanse us from our unrighteousness.
Not only does God renew us, cleansing us from all our anti-God ways, He washes us up when we falter, fall, and fail. Like a loving father, He wipes away the tears and washes our hands and feet. He declares us His and holds our hand as we walk along.
If you haven’t experienced this transformation, let’s talk. If you have, let’s remember who we were before choosing Christ and the times He has washed our hands and feet again. Let’s express our gratitude for the work He has done and is doing in us daily.
Let’s learn to choose Him every moment of every day.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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