Abraham was headed up the mountain to sacrifice his son as God had told him to do. This had to be weird and hard to fathom.
God had given him Isaac, a son of promise. Huge promise. Through him, the world would be changed, God had said. But now, he was supposed to give this son of promise up? What happened to the promise?
Somewhere deep in his heart, Abraham knew that Isaac would not die up on that mountain. That’s the faith that uttered these words, ““God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both walked on together.”

It is important that we stay so close to the Lord that we can hear Him give us our instructions clearly.
It is crucial that we obey those instructions. They aren’t suggestions or requests. He requires our obedience.
We have been given great and powerful promises just like Abraham did, and sometimes it seems that God is asking us to give them up. Oh Believer! All His promises are true as though they were the past! We must believe in them as if we’ve already seen them happen.
Believe as Abraham did that whatever sacrifice God has called you to make, He will provide the sacrifice when you step out in obedience.
Has He asked you to walk away from money, prestige, position? Do it. He will provide the money, prestige, and position to lay on the altar.
Has He asked you to walk away from family, friends, and acquaintances? Do it. He will provide the family, friends, and acquaintances to lay on the altar.
What has He asked you to lay on the altar in obedience to Him? How scary is it? Do you trust Him to keep His promises to you regarding that gift? Do it. Whatever “it” is, do it.
Join Abraham in gathering up the wood and carrying the flame to the mountain. Walk with confidence that the Almighty who called you to this hard thing will provide the final part to make your sacrifice exactly what He requires.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. (1 Samuel 15:22)
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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