Ask, seek, knock and you get what you want! YES!
I’m asking for a brand new car!
I’m seeking a housekeeper!
I’m knocking on the door of a new house with all the amenities!
And I’m going to get them!
Uhh, not so fast my friend. Jesus said to keep asking, keep seeking, and to keep knocking and we would receive, find, and have opened. But I really don’t think He was talking about material things.
Just after He spoke these words, He asked the men if, as fathers, they would give their children a stone instead of a fish when they were hungry, and if they, being wicked, knew how to give loving gifts, how much more so would the Father give—in the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes, though, we like to take verses meant to go together and view them separately as stand-alone thoughts.
Just like any human parent, God loves to bless His children with precious gifts. He loves it when we ask for those things that are true blessings and often gives them to us. Other times, though, He knows that what we’re asking for isn’t a true blessing, and like the best parent, withholds that from us for our good.
This asking, seeking, and knocking, I believe, is for God’s presence.
We’re asking Him into our lives, giving Him the reins of control.
We’re seeking Him for wisdom and answers that we can’t come up with on our own.
We’re knocking on the door of Heaven, begging to be allowed into His presence to know Him and understand His will.
And Jesus promised that when we do this asking, seeking, and knocking, we would receive: the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, wisdom in perfect measure, and an audience with the Almighty. Every time.
As we come to know the Lord more and more intimately through this asking, seeking, and knocking, we will know His heart more and be more inclined to long for His will and ask for the things that please Him more than what we think will please us.
Let’s start today, asking, seeking, and knocking for God’s presence and enjoy all the blessings of knowing Him more fully than ever before.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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