What do you talk about when you get together in family gatherings? Do you chat about today’s goings-on or do you revisit the family past, regaling one another with stories that bring laughter, tears, and a deeper understanding of the family?
The Bible is a telling of one family story (God’s) told throughout the history of mankind. We learn of the first man and woman and their choices. We learn of a man of faith who tried to make God-things happen on his own. We find out about brothers who schemed, parents who failed, kings who sinned, and so much more.
King David wrote these words, “Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts…”

Does that mean we’re to pour the scripture into our memories, recalling all God is and has done? Absolutely!
I think it also we’re to share with each generation all God is and has done in and through us. We’re to share the stories of all God is and did through the generations of our families who walked before us.
This practice makes God personal and personable. Through our stories, we begin to see him not as the far-off God who acted in ages past, but we view Him as the right here, right now God who acts in the lives of His children today.
As you prepare for family and friends gathering for Christmas or birthdays or reunions, take the time to recall the stories of faith from your experiences with God. When gathered, invite a time of sharing from one and all about God’s mighty acts in their lives. Bring up the accounts of your family’s past and how God is real and cares about people.
Pass on the stories of who God is and what He has done from the generation to generation.
No better time to start than today!
“Remember when …. ?”
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
(As a writer, I highly suggest recording these stories whenever possible. Whether you video or write the stories, recording these truths of God in the lives of people your family knows is more permanent and priceless.)
Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel where you’ll be able to hear more from my scripture devotions.