Let your light shine! Let your light shine!
We hear it in sermons, we read it in books, we read it in The Book.
How often do we stop there, though, without reading the rest of the verse, even though we know God has a reason for us to shine the light He has placed in us.

What’s the reason we’re to let our light shine?
SO THAT everyone will praise our Heavenly Father.
The Amplified Version says it this way: “… and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.”
We’re to live with moral excellence and do praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds SO THAT everyone will recognize and honor and praise and glorify our Father Who is in heaven.
We have to be so careful that the reason for our good works—moral excellence, praiseworthy, noble, good deeds—is not all about us.
It’s not bad to be noticed. We all long to be noticed. We all need encouragement when we’re doing the good things, sometimes the hard things, just to know we’re on the right track.
It’s really all about our heart position.
When our desire is to glorify God, we don’t even have to say, “Oh, it was all God” or “This [insert good thing just done] is all because of God.”
When our heart is focused on bringing Him glory,
it will shine like a beacon through everything we do and say,
and when we do these good works,
people will know where the desire to do them came from,
and will recognize, honor, praise, and glorify the Almighty.
Get that inside part right today, Believer, and let your light shine… SO THAT… everyone who sees YOU recognizes God, honors God, praises God, and glorifies God.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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