This is for every christian who wants to know what God thinks of you and live a meaningful life without having to live in shame.
Thought #1 – God Rescued You For A Reason
FOCUS Ephesians 2:4—10
Ephesians 2:7 says, ”So God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness toward us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ Jesus.”
God has known you since before time began. He’s known every step you’ve taken, every choice you’ve made —— before you entered a relationship with Him and after.
God chose YOU to be able to point to YOU in future ages as EXAMPLES of HIS incredible grace and kindness toward us. You were rescued to be an example.
Thought #2 – God Redeemed Completely From Your Past
Just like with the woman at the well who had had 5 husbands and was living with a man who wasn’t her husband, Jesus knew your sins, all of them.
He knew the price He would pay for your sins, and He did it. His death on the cross, burial, and resurrection bought you back, REDEEMED YOU. All of you. Not just the part you’ve remembered. Not just the not—so—bad parts.
Shame tells you that He didn’t REALLY know about this sin or that one.
Shame and condemnation are not of God. Those hurtful words are from the enemy of your soul and are meant to steal, kill, and destroy you. Meet those lies with the truth of these verses.
Thought #3 – God Calls You His Masterpiece
Ephesians 2:10, ’For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.’
What is a masterpiece?
When we look in museums, we see fine and beautiful works of creation that are mounted and displayed for all to see. Special cases, special lighting, sometimes even a bench nearby so you can sit longer and view the masterpiece for as long as you need to take it all in.
When we look in our families, we see precious drawings in crayon, pencil, and marker that we’ve mounted and displayed in the place of prominence: the refrigerator door. Magnets holding the creation made by loving hands for you to view as often as you like.
God points to you as an example. God calls you His masterpiece. He has you on display, perfect lighting, choice circumstances, His creation made by His loving hands, on display for all the world to see and know of His love.
1. You are uniquely created by Almighty God.
2. God rescued for a very special reason.
3. God redeemed you from your past. Completely.
4. God calls you His masterpiece.
You can know what God thinks of you without having to live in shame.
–EXCERPT FROM “Ramblings from the Shower | Integrity, Faith, and Other Simple Yet Slippery Issues” — If you liked this excerpt, you can grab the book over at
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