What do you think about when you think about home? How would you describe home?
You might say that it’s a safe place — safe from inclement weather, safe from wild animals, safe from people with bad intentions.
You might say that it’s comfortable — a floor and furniture to prevent having to sit on the ground, a roof for shade, windows to open or close to afford breezes or not, heating and cooling to make the temperature enjoyable, electricity to provide light, running water to alleviate trips to the water source.
You might say that it’s filled with love — family that lives there, family and friends who visit.
Personally, I define home as the house where we live, but I will also tell people that my home is my husband. It doesn’t matter where we are, as long as he’s there, I’m home. I’m comfortable, safe, and embraced with love.

Moses wrote the words of this verse, declaring that throughout all the generations of the people of Israel, God had been their home. They had always been able to rely on God for their safety, protection, comfort, and love. Even more. Everything they needed, God provided — even when they complained about it.
Our grandson developed a heart for the homeless early-on, choosing to serve them at every opportunity. Since he was ten years old, the only birthday gift he has asked for is bottled water to give to the shelter in Knoxville. Some of those have a pseudo-home in that shelter. They have a place to eat, clean up, and sleep. It’s out of the weather and all attempts are made to make it a safe space for people to stay.
Some of those who bypass the shelter to live on their own in the streets create their own home, whether they use tarpaulins or blankets or sheets to create a space out of the weather and closed off from others. Some manage to procure tents.
Sometimes I think the term homeless is a misnomer. They don’t have a traditional home. They don’t live as we do or as we would like for them to. But this is not a study on physical homeless.
It’s about being spiritually homeless.
Those who do not know God, who have never experienced Him and His goodness, have never experienced home. They don’t know the safety, comfort, or love that is found only in Him. Living in a relationship with God provides the ultimate safety, comfort, and love, but I’m not talking about never facing physical danger or having all the comforts of life. I’m talking about the safety of a soul that is surrendered to God and no longer against Him. I’m talking about the comfort of knowing His presence and protection. I’m talking about resting in love and peace that makes no sense, no matter our circumstances.
Because God is our home, we can go to Him and rest. We can go to Him and be safe. We can go to Him for provision and help, peace and love. Home. He is always our home.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.