I’ve often said that I love the way James wrote. Straightforward. No guessing what he meant. Just BAM! There’s truth, now do something with it.
In today’s focus, James tells us that if we need wisdom, and who doesn’t, to ask God for it. We’re not going to get in trouble for asking for wisdom. Quite the opposite. I think God loves it when we recognize our boundaries and turn to Him for answers.
There’s what could be called an addendum, though: Don’t waver. Don’t have divided loyalty. But what’s that mean to us here today?
I think it means that we don’t go to all our friends and family to get their take on a situation, then ask God for the wisdom concerning it and add His input to everyone else’s. You can ask all around first, I don’t think He’s bothered by that, only that we do come to Him for that wisdom, then FOLLOW what He tells us.
God is not an add-on. He is THE ONE.
Not long ago, I received my second melanoma diagnosis. Even with twenty-one years between them, the impact of the words “You have cancer” is crushing. Having had the experience of a two-time cancer survivor, I knew to listen to the doctors for their treatment plan, but to take those plans to the Father for the determination of my direction. I could have asked a group of melanoma survivors what they had done. I could have asked friends and family for their input. I could have asked on social media. Not bad things, unless I follow some of theirs and some of God’s.
There’s to be no wavering. Just a little further in his letter, James described those who waver in their decision on whose wisdom to follow, “Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be considered unstable in everything I do by the Almighty.
There was a point in 2020 when circumstances seemed chaotic, with these voices saying do this and others saying do that. So many decisions were made in both directions. As I prayed about the direction I was supposed to take in a specific situation, I felt God speak to my heart in no uncertain terms, “Do NOT bow to the fear.” Well, okay then. What does one do when that goes against what those around you are doing and saying?
You go with what God said.
Will it be hard? Sometimes.
Will it feel weird. Most of the time.
Will people think you’re odd? Probably.
Is it worth it? Every. Single. Time.
Whatever you’re facing, whatever circumstances you find yourself in, whatever decision needs to be made, take the time to consult God for His wisdom. If the decision must be made faster, then the answer is a solid no — unless God has told you about it previously.
Don’t waver, Believer. Become a stable follower of the Most High. Let others see your resolve and your love for God measured out in your obedience to Him.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.