“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”
The throne is the place from which the sovereign rules. When the reigning monarch sits on the throne, no one just busts in and says, “Hey! I need to get you to do something for me!”
Decorum and protocol are required, the most important being to recognize the sovereignty of the one on the throne.
Read about how even the queen had to seek an audience with King Xerxes. Esther dressed in her finest and hesitantly entered the room, hoping he would not become angered and banish her or have her killed for entering his presence without being summoned. (Book of Esther)
God is sovereign over all people and is above all kings. To enter His throne room without being summoned could bring instant death.
Yet for every person who believes and accepts Jesus’ greatest gift, God has issued a permanent invitation. No cowering at the door.
Enter! Be bold!
Now, that doesn’t mean you get to be arrogant about your rights or demanding of what you want. This Sovereign gives you the very breath you breathe!
Walk in boldly, recognized as His child, and feel the weight of the love of almighty God rest on you. Be overcome by the grace He wholeheartedly offers. Bask in the radiance of His love and mercy.
Then, make your requests known to Him. There’s no great wait. Your bowed head, your heart of humility, your recognition of His sovereignty begins the conversation. He knows you. He waits for you to depend on Him for everything.
Friend, God NEVER considers you a bother.
Go on. Scoot! Move into that throne room and have a talk with your Heavenly Father. He is waiting.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.