We all want a formula for life. We want the formula for younger skin, better travel, easier housework. I mean, who doesn’t love a great life hack?
God, through Joshua, gave His ultimate life hack. It could even be construed as a shortcut. Many times we think that the way to please God includes doing all sorts of good deeds and things that require great intention.
While good deeds and intentionality are certainly a part of the believer’s life, those are not to be done from a list, but from a heart that fully loves God, faithfully obeys His commands, holds firmly to Him, and serves Him.
That would make it seem that the life hack we have here is a simple four-step process.
- Love God with all your heart and all your soul.
- Obey God’s commands with all your heart and all your soul.
- Hold firmly to God with all your heart and all your soul.
- Serve God with all your heart and all your soul.
Do you see it? The life hack isn’t the DOING part, it’s the BEING part. It’s the position of your heart and soul. It’s the depth with which you love, obey, hold, and serve. Lip service is not enough. Others may think that’s all good, but…
God sees into that heart and soul
and He knows just how real your love is,
how true your obedience is,
how stalwart your holding firm is,
and how trustworthy your service is.
God is the One you’re living to please.
Be sure to share this amazing Christian-Life Hack with all your fellow believers! “With all your heart and all your soul” will take you far toward pleasing God.
Coffee, Bible, Journal