God is our fortress? Our refuge? Our Strength? Sounds good.
What does that actually mean?
What is a refuge? It’s a place where we’re safe from pursuit, danger or trouble. God is our place of peace, where we are safe from pursuit, danger, or trouble. That sounds amazing, does it not? How many times have we sought solace, peace, and safety only to find ourselves let down or betrayed? The place isn’t really safe, the person actually wants something from us?
The Amplified Version says this Refuge and Strength is “mighty and impenetrable to temptation.” No man or woman can be that, y’all. No human can. We might be strong and resistant to temptation, but we’re not forever impenetrable. God’s got it down pat, though. Easy peasy, because He’s God. Proverbs 18:10 says, “The Name of the Lord is a mighty fortress, the godly run to Him and they are safe.”

What does that look like? I can’t escape to this Fortress God. There’s no location, I can’t GPS my way there. What do I do?
We have to remember that while we only see what is around us, only feel the barbs from humans, the battle is not here, it is in the spiritual realm. The ultimate battle is for our souls. Our enemy wants us to distrust and reject God. This enemy pursues us. He hates all humans because they are created in the image of Almighty God. He lays traps everywhere for us, causes trouble at every opportunity. We desperately need safety!
When we choose God over any human answer to our safety needs, we find Him there, waiting for us, arms wide open. Our spirits feel a rest unknown outside God. We’re able to lay our arms down, relax, and enjoy the peace. Freedom! Now, the battle will still be raging around us, and we may succumb to it’s draw to join in again, but God is always, always there, being completely our refuge and fortress to keep us safe from the attacks of the enemy.
Today, let’s run to Him. Choose Him over the tactics we’ve been using in battle. No scheming needed, no planning necessary. Just run to Him. Be safe. Rest.
Let the Almighty Ancient of Days take over the battle for you.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.