What fear is holding you back? Why aren’t you stepping out in your purpose and calling?
Israel stayed at Mount Sinai for a year, receiving instruction and mandates from God. And then, it was time to go. Time to leave the place where they had spent so much time learning what God wanted for them. Time to pack up the elaborate tent of meeting they had constructed as God directed. Time to gather up children and grandparents to set out for their Promised Land.
I’m here to tell you this is for you today as well. It’s time for you to leave the place where you’ve been learning and begin the trek to begin implementing what you have learned. It’s time to utilize all that God has gifted you with — talents, spiritual gifts, life experiences — in the purpose He designed you for, all for His glory.
What’s your mountain? Not an obstacle, that place where you’ve been learning and growing. School? Church? Quiet place? That place where you’ve encountered God and heard His instructions for you. What is it? Where is it? Nevermind. That doesn’t matter.
The fact is, you have stayed there long enough.
It’s time for you to step up and step out in the faith
God has built in you to live out the purpose
He has given you, utilizing the gifts
He has provided you, reaching those He has chosen for you.
Determine right now that you are leaving the mountain of instruction to implement all you’ve learned. Pack everything up, you’re not coming back. As you remain noonday-shadow close to God, He will direct every step and reveal to you how to implement, how to share, what to say, how to live. Now, take the first step, then the next.
It’s time.
You’ve been there long enough.