Yes, He IS the Boss of You!

Oh, how we freedom-loving humans dislike the concept of sovereignty! No one gets to be the boss of me!

What we don’t comprehend, however, is that God IS the boss over us — whether we believe in Him or not. Whether we accept His gift of salvation or not. Whether we agree with this truth or not.

God created everything. E V E R Y T H I N G. Yes, even that thing you made with your own hands—where did the material come from in its original form? Where did the knowledge and design come from? Everything.

He chose to populate this planet with humans, a little lower than angels, in that we are mortal, experiencing life and death. He chose to take up His residence in the heavens. It is from there that He rules over all. He is sovereign over all.

He rules over the entire universe. Sun, moon, stars, planets, galaxies. He determines their course. He decides their beginning and end. Same as He does with us.

We are not that powerful, are we? We are not that capable. We have trouble deciding what to have for dinner each day! God sees all, knows all, and is all-powerful. He is wisdom itself and chooses as He pleases.

It sounds like we’re giving up our rights of making our own choices if we believe this, but we aren’t. God didn’t make us to be automatons. He didn’t make us to be puppets. He made us with brilliant minds and choice. While He rules over all, He allows us the freedom to move and live within that rule.

We can choose to live against Him, against His will, against His purpose, or we can choose to live with Him, within His rule, within His will, within His purpose. Both have consequences. He tells us to count the cost of our choices, then allows us to make them.

Whichever way you choose today—living as one ruled by God or as one in rebellion to that rule—count the cost. Recognize that the cost is not just today, but forever.



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Faye Bryant is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals escape the lies of the enemy, live into God’s truth, and build a better life by first feeling, dealing, and healing their way through a stuck future or an abused past, toward a deeper path of purpose, and into the unhackable life of their chosen legacy.  Hers is a story of resurrection: from death to life!

Faye Bryant

Faye Bryant is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals escape the lies of the enemy, live into God’s truth, and build a better life by first feeling, dealing, and healing their way through a stuck future or an abused past, toward a deeper path of purpose, and into the unhackable life of their chosen legacy. Hers is a story of resurrection: from death to life!