There is so much to be scared of in our world today, but really, it was no different than in Isaiah’s time. He lived in a time where diseases ran rampant with no treatment and vaccines were unheard of. There were wars and unbridled crime. Yet Isaiah willingly shared these words that God spoke to him. They are so very relevant to us today. Will you hear them?
I grew up in Florida where an afternoon thunderstorm was so regular, you could tell time by it. We lived less than a quarter mile from a big lake under a canopy of giant oaks. I was terrified of those storms. The lightning would flash and send my heart reeling. Then I met God. I understood His love for me. I entered into a relationship with the Savior and something inside me changed.
I was no longer petrified by those storms. I could stand on our screened porch and watch the storm move across the lake, watch as the lightning split the sky, feel the rumble of thunder move through me. The fear was gone.

Because I made a decision? Yes, but maybe not the one you’re thinking. I made the choice to be restored to God, bought back by the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. When I made that choice, I chose to accept all He said He was and to believe that He can and will do all He said He can and will do. I decided to believe that God would protect me and keep me and use me for His glory. And I watched the storms.
Without fear.
Dear one, I pray that in the midst of all the turmoil in our world today, disease running rampant with no cure and no vaccine, tremulous relations between our nation and others, political upheaval, 24/7 news about all that’s wrong in our world, and people constantly telling us what to think and do, that you will choose to listen to God today.
He is the One who has loved you since before any of your ancestors were born. He is the One who has known who and what you would be on this day in 2020. He took the time to design you just like He wanted you. He treasures you.
Let’s listen to God and drop kick the fear in our hearts to the curb. When it tries to return, let’s pull these words out and speak them aloud to allow all the natural and spiritual realm to know where our trust remains. As we listen to the news, let’s repeat them. As we glove up, mask up, and stay home, let’s say them once again.
He is WITH us!
He IS our God!
He HELPS us!
He HOLDS us in His VICTORIOUS right hand!
Buh-bye, fear!
Coffee, Bible, Journal.