I love Isaiah 6. I love the thought that the sight of God is overwhelming. I love that in His presence, angels cry out His holiness. I love that in that Presence, Isaiah can’t help but cry out a confession of who he really is. I love that the angels lift a coal from the altar and cleanse Isaiah with it after His confession.
How many of us need a revelation like this?
How many of us need to get quiet enough before God that we can see Him, hear His angels, feel the searing of that coal?
We are busy people. When was the last time you sat on the porch with family or friends and just talked? Told stories? Laughed? Wept?
How much do we miss in our busyness?
Had Isaiah missed these moments, he would have never heard the Lord speak those next words and he wouldn’t have had the answer ready, either.
God said, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?”
To which Isaiah replied, “Here I am. Send me.”
What if God has been asking this question of us and we’ve been missing it?
Maybe today we need to slow down. Especially in the Lord’s presence.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.