Whatever is good and perfect is a gift…
What about what we think isn’t perfect? What about the things we don’t think are good? This seems open to interpretation.
True, it does seem open to interpretation, but when we realize that we are supposed to adjust our thinking to match God’s instead of the other way around, we can get the interpretation right.
I would have never thought of cancer as a gift, yet God used mine to touch lives, to reveal Himself. I would have never believed that my husband’s aneurysm was a gift, until I realize how many people saw the miracle of his healing when it happened and hear about it now and realize how much God loves us humans.
Jesus didn’t think of that cup of wrath as good – He asked that he not have to drink it. But then He remembered The Plan. The Perfect Plan developed by The Perfect One. And he accepted that it was good and perfect and came to Him from the Father.
Yes, those gifts can hurt, but they are still good. Any day we get to glorify the Lord is a good day, we just have to remember that our life is not all about us and what makes us comfortable.
Oh, trust me, I like comfort. I like feeling happy with no conflict, no issues, no trauma, no troubles. And yet I know that in this world we will have troubles. Jesus said so.
This is why we want to be noonday shadow close to the Father. We want to see as He sees. We want to love as He loves. We want to recognize the gifts He gives when He gives them.
And speaking of shadows, you know how when we stand still outside, the movement of the Earth around the sun causes our shadows to move from one place to another? God is not affected by sun, moon, and stars. He is the same, always and forever.
Today is the day to believe that God is who He says He is and that He can do what He says He can do. Say it. Mean it. Walk in it. Trust the One who never changes.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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