“Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.“
King David wrote Psalm 55 after the betrayal of a friend. He lamented over that one’s behavior that hurt worse than the actions of an enemy. He poured out his angry, aching heart to the Lord and these words were part of his conclusion.
This kind of lamenting before the Lord is something we don’t do much anymore. Most of us lament before a friend or in a group – nothing wrong with working through your feelings, but there’s only One who has the answers you need, and only One who can heal your broken heart.
What if… when we’ve been betrayed we went alone before the Lord – prayer closet, empty kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, forest, comfy chair – and lamented?
I mean, really let Him have it? Say out loud how angry you are. Tell God how broken you feel. Speak about the anguish in you and the tears that won’t stop. Tell Him what happened, who it was, how you felt when it happened and how you feel now.
I fully believe that in our lament before the Lord, we will find answers and peace.
Just like David received the answer to give his burdens to the Lord and the comfort that God was going to hold him, we will receive God’s advice and comfort.
See, Almighty God cares about every intimate detail of our lives. He cares when His children get hurt. He cares when they succeed.
He cares about us, period.
Let’s start today. When our heart is broken by a friend who lied, cheated, stole, or rejected, let’s take all that raw emotion before the Lord.
Kick and scream. Get all childlike about it. Ask why and how that person did what they did. Express your feelings.
Most important: LISTEN.
Listen to God’s song over you, like a parent singing over their hurting child. Listen to His heart for you, His advice to you. Listen for His instructions and follow them.
Then, TRUST.
Trust God to be Who He says He is. Trust Him to do what He says He will do. Trust that you are who God says you are.
Trust that as you lay all these burdens in God, He will take care of them, AND you.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.