Have you ever been so totally freaked out, knowing you should pray, but the words wouldn’t come?
Yeah, me too.
Have you ever been absolutely filled with praise and gratitude, but the only thing that would come out was tears?
Yeah, me too.
God knew that would happen to us before He breathed life into existence. He knew what we would be like when under high emotion – good and bad.
God being God, provided for us in those high emotion states. He knew we would be locked inside the grip of life at times and before we ever needed Him, He prepared to be there, in us, to lift prayers we could not.
Think about that. Tears are falling faster then we can wipe, our hearts breaking. We’re bowed for prayer, but can’t even form the thoughts. The Holy Spirit who lives in ever believer steps up and prays in our place.
We’re so angry we see red, our minds going places we know they shouldn’t. We want to pray, but the right words won’t form. The Holy Spirit is there, praying the right words for us even before we are cooled down.
Something is up, something scary, something out of the ordinary. The noise in the night, the diagnosis, the what-ifs assailing. We want to turn to God and seek help, peace, wisdom, and more, but all we can do is hide – physically and figuratively. The Spirit of the Living God is right there, praying God’s will for us.
There are so many situations when we just don’t know what to pray or how to pray. We want to pray God’s will, but we’re not able. Right there, in our souls, lives the Spirit of Almighty God. He’s there to guide, teach, rebuke and correct, but He is also there to pray with and for us.
God prays for you
and your situation.
Wait. What???
Well, yeah.
The Holy Spirit IS the triune God.
That doesn’t mean we just thrust all our responsibility for prayer over on Him and go about our life. As in everything, our heart position matters greatly. It must be bowed, humbled, seeking of God and His answers. The Spirit is there to help, not take over. It’s still our responsibility to move into the place of prayer and focus on the One who will answer each one.
Today, let’s focus on God and take every moment to Him. Thank Him. Praise Him. And when you don’t know the words, trust Him to speak them in prayer for you.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.