If you knew a pill would keep you from sinning, would you take it?
If you knew a simple exercise would keep you from being separated from God, would you do it?
If you knew a drink would keep you from breaking God’s heart, would you drink it?
We do like our fast fixes, don’t we? We want to do that quick little thing that will prevent problems while not inconveniencing us.

The psalmist says clearly that hiding scripture in our hearts keeps us from sinning against God. What a solution!
We don’t like having to confess our wrongdoings. We try to hide them from everyone, including God. In so doing, we make some really poor choices—lie, steal, kill (sound like someone?)—all to protect our “good” name when confession and repentance puts us back where we need to be.
If we utilize this tool the psalmist shares, we can head off having to admit we were wrong or to endure separation from God—simply by storing up the Word in our heart, mind, and soul.
Memorizing the Word is crucial, but that’s not enough. I memorized Psalms 23 when I was eight years old. That didn’t stop me from making anti-God choices. We must learn not only what the Book says, but also apply it to our daily lives. Read what it says, do what it says.
We must pour the scripture in at least daily. Several times a day is best, because we are leaky vessels. Sometimes what we put in runs right back out, so we have to keep pouring in.
It doesn’t require hours. Reading a few verses tops off your tank. It doesn’t require theological training, the Holy Spirit who wrote the Book is within you to open the words to you.
Topping off that tank propels you to live right, love well, and please God. Let’s get started today!
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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Faye Bryant is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals escape the lies of the enemy, live into God’s truth, and build a better life by first feeling, dealing, and healing their way through a stuck future or an abused past, toward a deeper path of purpose, and into the unhackable life of their chosen legacy. Hers is a story of resurrection: from death to life!