I absolutely love worship songs that are straight from scripture! One of those is “The Blessing” from Elevation Worship.
The concepts in this verse are complex, I hope you follow along with me.
These words were spoken to the people of Israel by Aaron and his sons. These words were given by God to the newly appointed and anointed priests. Aaron and his sons were specifically called by God to be His priests, and so on through the generations.

Side note: Aaron is the one who, in the desert, made the golden calf, remember? He took a wrong path. He made a poor choice. He was weak. But God. God rescued him, changed his heart, and used him powerfully to help lead the nation of Israel. You are not useless to God because of your past. The point of your greatest struggle is now your greatest message for Him.
The priests blessed the people with these words. They were the words the PRIESTS were to use. They weren’t for the general population to use.
These words no longer have to be spoken by priest or preacher. According to 1 Peter 2:9, YOU are God’s priest. YOU are now God’s chosen to share the truth of God, to lead His people, to offer this blessing to other believers.
This is one way we have the opportunity to speak life into people. Remember, life and death are in our tongue’s power. We have to choose which we share.
With this blessing, we can lift people above the fray, above the worries, above the anxiety, depression, hurts, above that which keeps them from seeing God.
Why is this so important? In Verse 25, God says, “Whenever Aaron and his sons bless the people of Israel in my name, I myself will bless them.”
This is powerful. This is speaking God’s powerful touch into someone’s life.
If there was ever a couple verses to memorize to share with others, Numbers 6:24-26 are the ones. Learn them and share them generously! Watch what that touch from God does in those lives.
Now, my friends, may the Lord bless YOU and protect YOU. May He smile on YOU and be gracious to YOU. May the Lord show YOU His favor and give YOU His peace. Amen (let it be so).
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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