Paul was winding up his letter to the believers in Ephesus and said so with, “a final word…” also seen as “and finally…”
He had just given them many instructions, including how to relate to one another as spouses, as parents, as employers, and employees. (Yes, I know the words used are slave and master, but in my mind, when we agree to work for a person for however many hours a day, for whatever amount of money, we have indentured ourselves to that person for that time. It all still fits.)
Following this “final word” are practical words telling exactly what it means to be empowered through our union with the Lord and how to draw the strength His boundless might provides. He likens each step to the armor of a Roman soldier. We know it as the armor of God.

We are not strong on our own.
Not against the wiles of the enemy of our souls.
Not even against our own fleshly desires.
Every time we awaken, we must once again armor up and decide that we will be empowered by Him and our relationship with Him, and avail ourselves of HIS mighty power.
I find it very useful each day to work through putting on that armor, taking on the protection for head, chest, midsection, and feet, then holding up the shield of faith and lifting the one offensive weapon given, the sword of the Spirit of God, to plan my march into the day. I’m choosing to happen to the day instead of letting the day happen to me.
See, even though Paul told us to be strong, he wasn’t saying “be strong on your own” or “you’ve got this,” he was telling us that remaining close to the Lord and wrapped up in His armor, we can do more than cower in the face of trials and adversities. We can march into them, defended and ready to battle our way through with Him as our personal army.
Believer, one final thought…. be strong by being weak. Depend on the Savior to carry you, protect you, defend you, and battle for and with you. When we live in His power, we truly live.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.