David wrote these words – probably sang them – at a time when he and his home were personally under attack. The king was out to get him, sending soldiers to his home to kill him. Not great.
David had been anointed as king, yet here Saul was still king and trying to kill him. Where was God? What happened to this appointment? this anointing?
And yet…
David said he would continue to sing of God’s power and might. Strength that was beyond that of millions of men, power to do what He said at anytime, despite all circumstances.

David sang of God’s unfailing love. In the face of years gone by post-anointing, David recognized that God’s love, indeed Himself, is unfailing. Never ending. Always there. And David declared, in the face of Saul’s assassins, that this was no failure of God’s love.
David knew of God’s protection, both as a shepherd and as a servant of the king under brutal attack. He knew the need for peace, for refuge, and that God Himself would be that for him as He had been in the past.
We can know these things, too. We can face down a diagnosis knowing that God is our refuge. We can endure the pain of estrangement from that loved one, knowing that God’s love never fails. We can walk through grief that seems unbearable.
Don’t get me wrong. Our hearts will still ache, but knowing that the Creator holds us in His hands, safe from all attacks of the enemy means we can operate from that place of peace and joy that is found only in Him.
Believer, your Lord and God offers this to you every moment of every day. Sing aloud this truth. Revel in it as you dance on the circumstances meant to break you. Hold His hand and walk with Him over the fiery coals meant to destroy you. Hold up your head knowing that His love is always there, always present, always.
Sing! Dance! Speak!
Coffee, Bible, Journal.