Have you had moments like the psalmist wrote about in Psalms 42:11? Times when you see life is good, but inside you feel like it’s horrible?
There are times when your mind and heart tells you something other than what is real and true. When that happens, you can feel completely at odds with yourself. You might even begin to think you’re losing your mind.
The first thing to know is that you are not alone in this. The second thing to know is you can take a stand and direct your heart and mind.
That’s what the psalmist did. He asked himself, his soul, why it was so downcast. The words used portray being sunken down and restlessly groaning. Does your soul feel that way?

Then the psalmist told his soul to place its hope in God, because despite this feeling of restlessness, of deep groaning, of depressed sunkeness, he WOULD continue to praise God.
This is an example of living by what you know instead of what you feel. Scripture tells us that the heart is the most deceitful of all things and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). Your feelings lie to you. Your soul may tell you all is lost and nothing will ever be right in life again.
The truth is that God is always with the Believer, always loving you, always working things out for your good (Romans 8:28).
You have to remind your FEELINGS of the TRUTH.
Like the psalmist, tell your tired and aching soul that all is not lost, that God is still on the throne, and that despite what you’re feeling, you WILL worship and praise the Lord, the God of your Salvation.
Then hold your soul to that. Repeat the order. Bring that deceitful heart into compliance with God’s truth. No longer live at odds with yourself. Instead, live free.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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