
Rest: The Unique Upside of Taking Deliberate Downtime

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $4.99.

Maximize Productivity, Well-Being And Personal Success Through Proper Sleep and Relaxation Habits! 

SKU: 727-424 Category:


Maximize Productivity, Well-Being And Personal Success Through Proper Sleep and Relaxation Habits

“REST: The Unique Upside Of Taking Deliberate Downtime is a book that defines what rest means and the incredible benefits it can deliver. You’ll learn what happens if you don’t get enough rest and relaxation. Then you’ll take a quick look at the difference between rest and sleep and how these activities are closely related. In this program, we will focus on five major areas of your life that regular rest can greatly improve. It will illustrate why rest is important and share tips on how to benefit from more rest in each of these areas.


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