Nothing Can Separate You From God’s Love… NOT Even You!

What a relief! 

There’s nothing that can separate us from God’s love, NOT EVEN US! 

You know that habit you haven’t kicked? He hasn’t stopped loving you.

That thing you did back when? He won’t stop loving you for it. 

God will NOT stop loving you. 

Paul wrote to the Roman believers giving them this hope as they endured persecution we can’t imagine. He explains that neither death nor life will separate believers from God’s love. Angels or demons can’t do it, either. Fear and worry can’t make it happen. Not even all the powers of hell come against us can separate us from God’s love as revealed in Christ Jesus. How amazing is that? 

Now, we do need to understand that our choices that are anti-God, also known as sin, cause a separation between us and God. From His presence, not His love.

It’s like when you have kids and
you’re angry with them.
You don’t stop loving them
just because you send them to their room.
Neither does God stop loving us,
even when He has to mete out
discipline for our poor choices. 

It’s time to stop stressing over whether or not the things you think, the things you do, the things that happen to you, the trials and temptations that come your way can make God not love you. 


As His kid, you’re enveloped in His love forever, and He will not drop you or lose you. You can rest now. You can look at how to make the best God-choices possible and live for Him without fear of failure or a need for perfection. 

Ready? Let’s get started! 

Coffee, Bible, Journal.


Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel where you’ll be able to hear more from my scripture devotions.

Faye Bryant

Faye Bryant is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals escape the lies of the enemy, live into God’s truth, and build a better life by first feeling, dealing, and healing their way through a stuck future or an abused past, toward a deeper path of purpose, and into the unhackable life of their chosen legacy. Hers is a story of resurrection: from death to life!