Ooo, y’all!
This “love your enemies” thing. That’s a mighty big calling. Maybe if I love them in my heart and just avoid them, that will be okay?
Except Jesus said to be involved with them. *sigh*
Okay. Okay. Let’s look at this somewhat rationally. Who was Jesus calling enemies? Earlier in the chapter, Luke records Him as saying “enemy” along with, those who hate you, those who abuse you, those who curse you, one who hits you, one who steals from you.
Pretty tall order, that one.
So, I’m to treat one of these described people with love? To be good to them? To give to them??? IMPOSSIBLE!!! Not going to happen! I didn’t deserve that treatment! I didn’t ask for that. They cut me to the core by their words and behavior!
Let’s read that last sentence:
Then your reward from heaven
will be very great, and you will
truly be acting as children of
the Most High, for he is kind to
those who are unthankful and
That last line just killed my every argument for not loving my enemies.
God does it every single moment. When I was still His enemy, Christ died for me. The ultimate display of love.
Jesus promised a reward from Heaven. A holy pat on the back, a God-touch for our obedience to Him. Not likely going to be millions in money, though it could. God decides His rewards. However, I believe it’s the reward of “well done” and of knowing Him more.
As we live in our day-to-day, we lose sight of eternity. We forget there’s much, much more time on the other side of this life than there is in it. Let’s change that.
As we live today, let’s look at those who have hurt, cursed, and stolen from us to see them as God does. Let’s do what we can to love them to Him.
Yeah, that one might have stolen right off my back porch, but I love Him, so I’ll choose to love the thief. I’ll look for opportunities to be Jesus with skin on so that one can turn from their wicked ways to Jesus.
I’ll choose forgiveness over grudge.
I’ll choose to be an example of God’s love every chance I get.
But, Faye, you don’t understand! That one destroyed me!
You mean like molestation, rape, and abuse? I DO understand and I am speaking from a place of God’s incredible healing. This forgiveness was way more about me than them. It set me free from the chains of yesterday’s hurts and freed me to walk in the purpose for which God made me.
What do you choose today? It’s up to you.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.