I have spent a lot of time in the pit of despair. It was dark, smelly, and spirit-breaking. I was crushed. Emotionally, spiritually, I was drained. I could barely look up to the Light and whisper “help.”
I have to say, there were several times when I cried out for help when it didn’t seem that I got any. I believe my heart was still in control mode – as though I could fix the issues that kept me there.
When I fully surrendered all of me to the Lord and cried out to Him, I felt that lifting. I felt the mire trying to hold me there in place, but those arms lifting me out were so much stronger.
He didn’t snatch me up. He knew that would hurt me. He gently, with great strength, lifted me free of the muck and mess. I was shaky. My legs were used to the mud holding me up and they were somewhat atrophied, so He set me on solid, unmoving ground that didn’t shift or grasp with my every move.
Not only that, He held on. He didn’t let me go to fall and fail. He knew that the pit was all I knew and falling back in was a real possibility. No, our God is faithful and wise and loves His children fiercely, so He held on, keeping me steady as I walked away from that pit.

I no longer visit that pit. I only look at it from afar to recall what The Creator of all the universe did for me personally.
The good news is, He will lift you out of your pit of despair, too. Stop struggling there. You can’t fix it and you can’t get yourself out. Cry out to the One who can. Don’t slap away His lifting you just because it doesn’t look like you expected. Surrender yourself to God and feel that solid ground beneath your feet and His steadying arm around you.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.