James, the oldest half-brother of Jesus and author of the book of James in the Bible, is my kind of guy. A straight shooter. No wondering what he meant by what he said. Say what you mean, mean what you say.
In James 3:13, we read, “If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom.”
See what I mean? IF you are wise… PROVE IT. No wishy-wash. Straight up. Practice what you preach.
And James goes on to explain what that will look like: living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom.
So many are happy to SAY they understand God’s ways, only to live lives that look nothing like God’s ways. They want to spout that God says this, while they live something entirely different. They want YOU to live a certain way while they live another.
Harsh words, but exactly what we need sometimes to snatch us from our complacent slumber and into right living.
Oh, Believer, did I mention that saying you’re not wise and don’t understand God’s ways is an excuse for not living rightly? I did not, and there’s a reason.
Upon salvation, we receive the Holy Spirit. He moves in and begins the work of growing us up to maturity in Christ. That means Wisdom lives within us. Understanding of God’s ways grows as we receive the instruction of the Spirit of God, His guidance, rebukes, and correction.
Ready to make the move? Let’s ask God to set us straight today so we can prove the truth in our lives and reveal Jesus to others.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
P.S. Humble May NOT mean what you think… get ready!
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