It’s easy to misconstrue the words of the writer of Psalms 121. Reading the first verse in the KJV, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” We get the idea that our help comes from looking to the hills or mountains.
Other translations help clear things up. The ESV has, “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?” That making it two sentences is helpful. The question causes us to realize it’s NOT the mountains.
Today’s focal verse, Psalms 121:2 reveals the psalmist’s heart, “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” That also makes the message clearer.
Our help, aid, support, protection, and nurture do not come from the mountains. Those all come from the One who MADE the mountains.
Now as well as when the words were written, people have looked to the natural for protection. We’ve found shelter in caves, behind rocks, and up in the mountains. We’ve built houses and fortresses to protect us from attacks.

That’s not bad, this using the natural to protect from natural attacks. What happens, though, is we begin to think those natural defenses, including our own efforts, are the ones supplying the help. We think we’re the ones able to do all the help we will need. We become self-sufficient and lean into self-worship—not needing or wanting God.
In truth, an enemy can take over any fortress, house, rock, or cave, and can decimate our greatest effort to protect and defend ourselves.
There is only one foolproof protection, and that is the Creator God. Our protection, aid, and support all come from Him—even when we don’t acknowledge it. Our true help doesn’t come from the things around us or the things we build. Our true help comes from the Almighty.
Sometimes we don’t think we’re receiving His help. Sometimes He chooses to help in ways we haven’t considered. We must trust that God loves us and is always working for our good and His glory.
Let’s choose to stop looking for earthly things to take care of us and turn to the One who truly can take care of us, protect us, and guide us.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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