I do not like being sick. I do not like being out of control. I do not like being out of the loop. I do not like feeling weak. I do not like feeling like I can’t accomplish what I know I should.
I just don’t.
Paul had some sort of weakness, and apparently talked to God about it. And here we see an unanswered prayer – well, a prayer not answered the way Paul wanted it.
Instead the Lord let him know that His calling on Paul’s life would be fulfilled, even though Paul couldn’t see how that could happen because of his weakness. Paul’s focus was on what he could do, without God’s help.
God said HIS GRACE was all Paul needed, that HIS POWER works best in human weakness.
So Paul changed his tune and began to rejoice in his weakness as a way to say, “Its not me! It’s the Lord!”
We need to learn from this. We all have an assignment from God a’la Matthew 28:18-20 & Acts 1:8. Beyond those, though, we have a purpose for which we were specifically created.
It’s time we learned
that purpose
and got to work doing it.
Starting with Matthew and Acts, what’s your weakness? What keeps you from doing those things with excellence?
Let’s examine ourselves today and, like Paul, learn what God says about our weaknesses and how we are to move forward.
He will listen and He will answer.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.