Have you ever felt like you may not actually be a Christian? That you aren’t really saved?
I get that. I went through a period where I doubted my salvation, wondering if I had really crossed from death to life.
Sometimes we make salvation more complicated than it is. Paul was clear when he wrote to the Romans, “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.”
That’s not a complicated process, is it? There’s no walking an aisle, no appointment with a pastor, no asking Him to live in your heart, no special classes to figure it out.
Simple faith. Simple declaration.
Yet, you’re here, not feeling like you’re saved and you wish you could know.

My revelation came from 1 John 5:13 (I’ll let you look that up). The words in 1 John 4:15 are pretty simple to understand though, and they mirror Paul’s words:
ALL who DECLARE that Jesus
IS God’s Son have God living IN
them and THEY live IN God.
John shared this concept in various ways in the five chapters attributed to him, which leads one to understand that this was an important issue for God—that people would understand and live the simple truth of Jesus and the salvation He offers.
If you’re feeling as though you’re not close to God, get to work on that. Open the Book and learn about Him, ask Him to reveal Himself to you there.
Get around people of faith. Listen in. Ask questions. Have conversations.
Declare openly that you believe Jesus is God’s Son.
And most of all, recognize that your feelings lie. The enemy who wants to steal, kill, and destroy does NOT want you living the life God died for you to have. He wants you to hide, to be afraid you don’t measure up, to think that your salvation is iffy, that you weren’t really made to do that.
Return to these words of John. Declare it! Say it out loud. Say it to someone else. Say it when the doubts come up. Say it to the person in the mirror. SAY IT!
Then rest in the TRUTH that you are living in God and He is living in you. Fully and forever.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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