“How are you so happy in this crazy time, when the world is in chaos with sickness and politics and crime?”
Well, let me tell you…

What an opening to share the love of Christ with another, huh? It’s not automatic, though, and it’s not “just an answer,” it’s the rhythmic drumbeat of your heart’s knowing who you are in Him, and His Spirit in you.
It’s the deep knowing that Jesus loved you… YOU… so much that he came to the earth, lived a sinless life, and was brutally tortured and killed. The worst part of all that time, though, wasn’t the physical wounds, though they were enough to also decimate mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. No, the worst was the separation from God that our sins on Him caused. We don’t read of his crying out in great anguish from the beating or the nails, but He can’t help it when He sees God’s back turned.
This was done for you. For me. For every human. Knowing this, believing it to the point you recognize your old self crucified there with Jesus compels you to live for Him, in obedience to Him. It changes self-living to God-living. It opens doors to share the Good News with those who haven’t yet accepted how good that news really is.
Believer, have you identified your old self crucified with Christ, who is now living in you and through you? Maybe today is the day you realize and take that next step in your faithwalk with God.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
To view the video of this devotion and others, subscribe to my YouTube Channel. (Today’s will be available later today.)