The Apostle John records this talk Jesus gave to His disciples, these instructions to mandate their behavior as His followers. In John 13:34, we read, “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.“
Twice He said love each other. TWICE. That means pay attention and obey! We are to love the follower of Jesus who looks different than us. The one with the tattoos. The one with the piercings. The one with more or less melanin in their skin. The one with long hair and the one with short. The one who drinks alcohol and the one who doesn’t. The one who preaches and the one who listens. The one who genuflects and the one who only bows. The one who attends the other church. And all those in between.
We are called BY JESUS to love ALL His followers.
And we’re not to just love them BECAUSE Jesus did. No. No, we’re to love them AS He did.
Whoa. What? Yes. We’re to love all the followers of Jesus with the unconditional, sacrificial love the Savior shows to us.
Oh, dear. Just how do we do that?

Maybe it happens when we support the ministries and events of the churches around us. Maybe it’s in visiting with those churches. It could be having coffee with a believer who is vastly different from you, talking about the Lord and encouraging one another. Maybe it’s getting to know your neighbor who knows the Lord, but doesn’t even go to church.
Let’s start today. Let’s tear down the walls of denominations and love each other the way Christ loves each of us. The next verse reveals that this little nuance is what identifies us as His followers. Let’s get identified, y’all!
Coffee, Bible, Journal.