Most of us who are believers believe that God is mighty. Too often, though, we don’t believe that He is mighty AND with us. Like, WITH us. In our midst.
Far too often we don’t believe that He delights in us with gladness. Celebratory delight there, but we don’t see it. Too many of us have been taught the mindset that we’re wretched sinners that God tolerates even though we say He loves us. Zephaniah says that God delights in us with hold-a-feast joy. He’s not a cosmic giant waiting for us to mess up so He can smash us.

Look at the next words of this verse: With His love, He will calm all your fears.
Look at the Amplified version: “The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior Who saves! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest in silent satisfaction and in His love He will be silent and make no mention of past sins, or even recall them; He will exult over you with singing.”
Do you see it? God rests in silent satisfaction regarding us. Because of His great and unending love for us, He makes no mention of our past sins… doesn’t even recall them!
Oh, my friend! If God Himself doesn’t recall those past sins, why should you?
Yes, it’s good to glance back and recognize how far you’ve come since you were there, but DO NOT walk back there to stay, and don’t invite it into your present to have an effect on your today.
Believer, your Creator, your Savior not only rescues you, He delights in you, makes no mention of your past, and shouts with joy over you! Let this truth permeate your soul.
He loves you |———————-this———————-| much and much, much more!
Rest in this truth.
Walk in this truth.
Live in this truth.
Share this truth.
Others need to know it, too.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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