“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”
Here’s a warning about this prayer:
Do not pray it until you’re prepared for His answer.
Seriously, if you’re not ready for God to point out where you’re offending Him, don’t pray this prayer. If you’re not ready to step out of the control seat of your life and allow Him to take over, don’t pray this prayer. If you’re hiding something, don’t ever pray this prayer.

IF however, you’re ready for the chaos to end, the turmoil to be done, and the burdens to be lightened, pray this prayer and pray it often.
See, when we invite God to reveal us to ourselves, He will do so. He will show us how we meaure up—not to the next person, but to Jesus. He will show us everything we do that displeases Him—tiny to large.
When we invite Him to take over, He doesn’t have to stop a while and think about it.
It’s what He’s been waiting for!
It is in our surrender to Him that we can grow into the person God died for us to be. It is only in our letting go of control that we can live in obedience to Him and mature to the place where we look and act like Jesus.
Are you ready?
Are you ready to have Him examine your innermost thoughts and desires, your dreams and attitudes?
Are you prepared to confess and repent of the things He says are offensive to Him, willing to turn away from what you’ve considered comfortable and accepted as a part of you in order to please Him?
Are you ready to slip your hand into His and allow Him to lead you on the path of everlasting life?
Are you ready to drop everything you hold dear to follow Him?
Then it’s time to pray, Believer, and mean it.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel where you’ll be able to hear more about this devotion and others.
Faye Bryant is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals escape the lies of the enemy, live into God’s truth, and build a better life by first feeling, dealing, and healing their way through a stuck future or an abused past, toward a deeper path of purpose, and into the unhackable life of their chosen legacy. Hers is a story of resurrection: from death to life!