When I had to travel to Chattanooga a lot for medical reasons, I started listening to Moody Radio. There was a show for children that talked about Jesus the Creator. The first time I heard that I did a double take.
See, I was thinking of Jesus as only coming along when he came to earth. I knew He was God, but I think in my mind I had these lines drawn that God the Father did the creating, God the Son did the saving, and God the Holy Spirit did the guiding, training and correcting.
Talk about a mind shift!
Colossians 1:16 brings us face to face with this truth. And a much bigger one. Let’s look.
God made everything through Jesus – in the heavenly realms and on earth. All things, everywhere. It blows our minds to think He created Satan, but He did, along with all the other angels. Knowing this can help us realize that age-old enemy of our souls isn’t the opposite of God, he is a created being like you and me. We really can resist him!
God created the kingdoms, thrones, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. All of them.
Everything other than the triune God was designed and created by God, through Christ. Can you wrap your mind around that?
And that last sentence of the verse? “Everything was created through Him and for Him.”
You, my friend, are part of everything. You were created THROUGH Jesus and FOR Jesus. YOU.
When you look in the mirror, remind you of this truth. Especially when you don’t like what you see. Matter of fact, consider writing on your mirror, “Created through Him for Him” so that every time you look at your reflection you see those words.
Think about that, dear broken one. You are NOT meaningless. You are NOT useless. You do NOT just take up space and use air. You ARE a special design, made by God through Jesus for Jesus.
You are His masterpiece – a work of His design to be shown off by Him for His glory. Picture God showing you off saying, “See my daughter here? Isn’t she beautiful? See how she helps my children understand love? That’s my girl! She is revealing Me to them!” or “Do you see my son here? Isn’t he something? Look how he is helping widows in their grief by taking care of things around the house their husbands did. That’s my boy! He is revealing Me to them!”
When we realize this fact, that we’re created through Him for Him, our perspective can change permanently. We can stop wandering aimlessly through life merely existing. We can live and live in the purpose for which we were designed.
Ready? Speak into the heavenly realms unseen by human eyes:
I am created by God through
Jesus Christ. I am created for
Jesus Christ.
Say it again. Draw that line in the sand telling the enemy you know who you are and he can go fly a kite. Doesn’t mean he will. He may double down and attack you more. Stand in the truth. Stand with THE Truth.
Say it again. And again. Say it until you believe it to your core.
Go ahead, there’s no better day to start than today.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.