What would happen if we believed God truly is our salvation, our refuge, our hope, our victory? Would we feel differently about things? Would we talk differently? Would we act differently?
I think so. I think the enemy of our souls knows this and whispers to us all the what-ifs and what-abouts and adds drops of fear into us just like He did Eve. “Surely God didn’t mean…” or “Surely God wouldn’t want…” or “A loving God wouldn’t…”

I used to believe the good things from God were for other people but not myself. I thought myself unworthy of God’s time and effort. Oh, I had accepted salvation, but only as being one of zillions that He died for, not as a personal, loving gift, and it showed. I didn’t love me, which made it hard to love others, which showed up in how I talked and acted.
Believer, God has come to save you.
He stepped out of Heaven for you.
For YOU.
When you understand this, your whole way of thinking will change. As you learn that you are priceless in His eyes, you’ll begin to see yourself correctly and others through a lens of love.
You will be able to face every situation without fear because you trust the One who loves you enough to die for you. You won’t tremble, startled with terror. You’ll walk confidently, knowing that the Lord of all holds you in His victorious right hand, safe from all harm.
Mind you, that doesn’t mean you won’t have car wrecks, catch colds, or suffer indignity. It does mean that the final victory is yours, period. Nothing and no one can steal that.
What peace! Knowing that your future is secure, that you are secure in the Father’s hands means that you can stretch beyond yourself to love others and to share the truth of Jesus.
Because of Him, you’re stronger than you think, my friend.
Accept the fact that God loves you, holds you, guides you, protects you, strengthens you, and enjoys you, and live in that.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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Faye Bryant is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals escape the lies of the enemy, live into God’s truth, and build a better life by first feeling, dealing, and healing their way through a stuck future or an abused past, toward a deeper path of purpose, and into the unhackable life of their chosen legacy. Hers is a story of resurrection: from death to life!