What’s in your storehouse?

“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:45‬ ‭NLT‬‬

These words explain a lot about what is being said in our world today. There are a lot of people speaking good things, encouraging things, amazing truth, kindness, and love from the treasury of their good hearts.

Because of amplification, however, we are hearing more of the words from the other treasuries. Vile, ugly words that vilify and destroy, the only encouragement is toward violence and disdain.

We who are believers must be careful which storehouse we receive from. We must be sure that the words we receive into our lives are words that are from God’s goodness. We hear the others and are sometimes affected by them, but we cannot receive them into our spirit, allowing them to take hold in us. We must not.

We must attend to the treasury we have, keeping our hearts good. Allowing even the tiniest bit of the ugliness of the evil of this world into our storehouse (heart) taints all of it, and we have to be careful to not allow that.

When you hear things that make your heart move to your throat, your temperature rise, your anger begin to boil, STOP. DON’T react. Take a breath and filter what you just heard through what you know from God. Allow the Holy Spirit to direct your response to the situation. In my experience, many of the things I would rise up against or join in with are to be left go by the wayside, without any response whatsoever from me.

It is crucial that we who are called by His name tend our heart storehouses because that’s where our words come from. We must continually read His Word, seek His face, and allow His Spirit to guide us into all truth. Then, our good heart will produce good answers, truth, and life.

Let’s try it today:

  • Meditate on this verse, asking God to show you places where your storehouse needs repair, then get to that: confess and repent.
  • Ask God to reveal every thought, concept, or word being directed at you that is not worthy of entering your storehouse, then reject it.
  • Continue to love the person who said it, God wants them brought into His Kingdom.

Keep adding God to your storehouse and see what it produces in your life and the lives around you.

Coffee, Bible, Journal.

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Faye Bryant

Faye Bryant is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals escape the lies of the enemy, live into God’s truth, and build a better life by first feeling, dealing, and healing their way through a stuck future or an abused past, toward a deeper path of purpose, and into the unhackable life of their chosen legacy. Hers is a story of resurrection: from death to life!