Be sure of this…
When Jesus spoke these words, He was headed back to Heaven, His time on Earth complete. He gave one last instruction with one last encouragement.
INSTRUCTION: Go make disciples. Build the Kingdom of God’s population by sharing with people of every tribe, tongue, and nation, not just ushering them into the family, but growing them up into a rich and mature faith.
ENCOURAGEMENT: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. With you all the days—perpetually, uniformly, and on every occasion—until there are no more days.
Oh, friend, are there any sweeter words? Is there any better truth than to know that the Savior is WITH you
in every circumstance
in the same measure
with the same love
and the same compassion?
in and out of trouble,
on birthdays,
feast days,
and regular ho-hum days.
Until the end of all days comes… which is when we will be with Him face to face forevermore.
That doesn’t mean we won’t be scared. It doesn’t eliminate anger. It doesn’t abdicate our responsibility for obedience to Him. It does give hope in that we can know that He sees what we cannot, knows what we do not, and acts on things we will not.
His presence doesn’t mean that we don’t experience pain, trauma, or torture. Jesus said we would know what He had known. We will suffer for bearing His name. However, His Immanuel presence with us gives us hope and peace that can’t be demolished by fear, death or destruction.
Lean heavily on these words today, Believer. Your God is WITH you. He holds you up, cherishing you as His beloved child. As you live in and walk out this truth, be intentional about sharing Him with the watching world who will want to know how you can possibly smile and live with joy in the chaotic world around you.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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