When You See It, Say It!

What glorious words to hear said about you, that others recognize your faith by the things you do, to know that others are talking about your faith in Jesus that is revealed in word and deed!

Sometimes living in faith is hard,
making the choices that no one else will,
standing alone, feeling all the forces of
culture and temptation and humanity
and the evil one coming against you.

To then hear that someone notices that faith? Priceless!

As believers, we should notice one another’s efforts to live by faith and then mention it, not only to the person living it, but also promote them to others—not as “look at them!” but as “Look what God is doing in and through them!”

As leaders, we must pay heed to what we see others doing and what we hear about them. We must be intentional about sharing this encouragement with followers walking the faithwalk.

On the flip side, being able to say these things about other believers is pure joy! It is encouragement to any leader to see the learner grow and mature and even surpass the leader in living that faithwalk. To be able to say to a learner/disciple/follower, “I know about your faith, many others have told me about it!” is an incredible gift.

We need to remember that every step we take in our faith journey is noticed by someone. Sometimes the most unlikely person will say something about it and you’ll be amazed that someone was even watching, but watch they do, Believer. Keep walking in your Jesus-faith and living according to His will and you’ll be noticed, and your faithwalk will encourage others more than you’ll know.

Let’s be careful to not neglect sharing the beauty of a life being lived in faith with the one living it and with others. Let every life lived for Christ point to Him and encourage others.

Coffee, Bible, Journal.

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Faye Bryant

Faye Bryant is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals escape the lies of the enemy, live into God’s truth, and build a better life by first feeling, dealing, and healing their way through a stuck future or an abused past, toward a deeper path of purpose, and into the unhackable life of their chosen legacy. Hers is a story of resurrection: from death to life!