Life today is fraught with tears and heartache. It’s the nature of this fallen world. We have moments of joy, sometimes seasons of joy, but once again comes the broken heart, the grief, the sorrow.
One day, though, our Lord will stop that cycle. One day He will wipe away all those tears and they won’t return because there will be no futher heartache, no further grief, no further sorrow.
What a glorious day!
On that day as well, all those insults that have been hurled at God’s people, the mocking and taunts, the jests and gestures, will be removed and will never return. All that the Jews and those of us grafted in have endured for millennia will be done, gone, trashed, never again heard or seen.
What a glorious day!
Yes, what a glorious day for believers in Jesus—those who have chosen to accept His sacrifice on the cross for their sins, those who have chosen to follow Him, believing in His death, burial, and resurrection.
For those who have chosen not to believe and not to follow, that day will not be the same. They will not have their tears tenderly cared for. They will not be comforted by God. They will not experience the compassion of the Creator, nor the joy of knowing Him and being known by Him. They won’t be in His presence—not even in the presence of those who know Him. Nothing of Him (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control) will be available to them.
And don’t mistake this: putting off the choice IS a choice, and it’s not the one with wiped tears and joy.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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