When Michelle Gass ran Starbucks, she helped the company move into 33 countries. When she first joined the coffee-based firm, she was asked to get behind a new drink. Starbucks had just launched the Frappucino, and Gass was ordered to develop a growth strategy to make the drink popular.
What began as a side item now earns Starbucks more than $2 billion annually. That’s the income from just one drink. To say that Gass’ efforts worked out is obvious.
She had long ago come up with a belief about how to approach achievement. It can help with personal and career goals. Men and women of all ages and levels of education and success can use the same idea. It’s powerful in its simplicity.
What was the approach she took that created such a winner for Starbucks? It’s one she’s used successfully in her career working with many Fortune 500 companies. She says her mantra is …
“Let’s think of how big this can be.”
She’s a firm believer in thinking big. A lot of leaders will tell you this. If you’re going to dream, why not dream big? It doesn’t make any sense to think small when thinking big doesn’t take any more effort.
It’s up to you, really. If you have a task or responsibility, shoot for the moon. You get to choose what you strive for in life. Aiming for big results can make your world better for you and everyone you care for. Accomplishing great things feels so rewarding. You might even surprise yourself with what you’re able to accomplish.
So start seeing the world as incredibly abundant. Don’t think of slacking or just enough to get by. Think much bigger and envision big change rather than small, insignificant change. Imagine big things in your life.
What you consciously tell your subconscious
ends up as action.
Your subconscious drives your actions, and your actions are what create the reality in your life.
Gass knows this. When Starbucks purchased Seattle’s Best Coffee, she employed her “think bigger” mantra. In just a single year, she took Seattle’s Best from 3,000 distribution points to over 50,000. That’s what happens when you think big.
If you want big things in your life, you’ve got to think big. Dare to think bigger than you could possibly imagine. Even if you come up short, you will have achieved so much.
What will YOU think BIG about today?
This is THE most intimidating issue I deal with on a daily basis. I get overwhelmed when I think too big. I feel as if I have to do everything that touches my business. I am not good at delegation; “if it is going to get done and get done correctly, I need to do it!” – Self talk. Let me know if you have proven action to put with this.
You are not the only one, Sabrina! I think one of the most important lessons I have had to learn is that DONE is BETTER than PERFECT.
You may not be able to let go some of the shop tasks, but you could let someone else do your laundry or dusting your house. You may get someone else to post on social media for you — there are those who love doing that and are really good at it. Think about the things you do NOT like to do — or don’t feel comfortable doing. I promise there is someone out there that think of that thing as their jam. They love it! Let them do it for you. Remember, DONE is BETTER than PERFECT.
As you do that, DREAM. Dream about where you want your shop and venue to go. What is it of the steps to that dream that only you can do? Be honest. You’re not the only one who can do everything involving the shop. Done is better than perfect.
Look at your dream. Break it down into goals needed to accomplish that dream. Then break each goal into steps to be done. Then, WHO is the one to do each step? Many times, it won’t be you.