Baptism is a beautiful thing. In doing it, we follow in Jesus’ footsteps – he went to the river to be baptized by his cousin, John the Baptist (that’s not Southern, Missionary, or Independent… that’s John the BaptizER.)
When we experience baptism like Jesus, walking into the water and being laid under it then brought up again, we are figuratively joining Him in His death and burial. We’re taken by someone else and lowered under the water. As that person lifts us from the water, we are joining in Jesus’ resurrection from death. We walk away, cleansed, renewed, and restored to walk in a new life, one separate from the old ways filled with self and sin.
All this is accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that filled and guided Jesus fills and guides believers. You and me.

Think about that a moment. The Spirit who lifted Jesus from death — how powerful that is! — lives in us.
IN. US. I’ll give you a minute to consider that.
If the Spirit of God can lift a man so beaten and bloodied, His hands and feet pierced by spikes, His lungs ravaged by the torture of crucifixion, His brow cut by thorns, His side sliced open, from the dead, what can He do in a person fully alive? You.
What can He do in and through YOU?
We need to tap into His power. It’s available. Too often we let people tell us that we can’t or that we shouldn’t. And sometimes they’re right, but we must listen to the Spirit much more.
Let’s get in tune with Him today. When you pray, don’t just toss out your requests and walk away. Stop and listen. Just listen. Ask Him questions, then listen – not with your ears, but with your soul. When you hear from Him, act. Get moving in the faith He has given you!
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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