We can learn a lot at church and Sunday School classes/small groups. Truly.
These words in Joshua, “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do“ have been proven in my life and many others.
It’s like feeding a human. As a baby, someone else puts the food into them and it helps them grow. As a toddler, they consume with help from another and they continue to grow. As a child, they eat on their own and grow more. As they mature, they choose what they take in and their growth persists.
At church, we are fed like a baby or toddler. In small groups we are fed like a toddler or child. On our own, opening the Word and applying it to ourselves, we have become spiritually nutritionally sound, growing in wisdom and success. (Remember, success in God’s eyes may be a bit different than what our culture tells us success is.)

Note we’re not to just read the Word. We’re to meditate on it. We’re to consider it. We’re to examine it. We’re to dig deeper and understand it. All day. I don’t think God meant for 24 hours solid. He gave us a life to live. The concept is that we’re not to confine this meditation to 15 minutes in the morning then walk off and live as though we didn’t stop to look at the Book. He wants us to let those words roll through our mind throughout the day and night. He says that doing so makes sure we obey what we’ve read.
Jesus said we would prove our love for Him by obeying His commandments. That doesn’t mean just the things He said when He was here on earth, y’all. He’s God. He was there at creation. He was there when these words were passed on. Our obedience to His Word proves our love for the Almighty better than any sacrifice.
If you’re not already reading the Bible on your own, today is a great time to start. Set aside 15 minutes every day to open the Book and read. As you read, ask questions. Figure out what *that* means. Ask God to reveal Himself to you through the reading. Then, as you move on into your day, be intentional about reviewing what you learned earlier in your time with Him. After a week, add 5 minutes, then keep adding. Always, always return to the verses and concepts throughout the day, allowing them to make the changes in you that God requires. You won’t regret a minute.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.