Our faith walk is all about choices. We choose to follow Jesus or something else. We choose to obey God or self. We choose every day whom we will serve.
The psalmist said, “I have set the Lord continually before me…”
Kinda sounds like he was choosing God constantly, doesn’t it? Like he was choosing to see God first in everything.
I think when we filter the rest of life through Him, our perspective is not our own and our attitudes are changed.
We’ll be different.
Part of the being different is being able to stand firm knowing that He is always right there with you, thus your will, your choices, your decisions, you, won’t be shaken.
When we set the Lord before us continually, we’ll be like the three young Hebrew men who kept God continually before them. They told the pharaoh that God would take care of them even if the king killed them. And God did.
If you struggle with fear and anxiety, maybe this will help. Set the Lord before you continually. When those thoughts come, make them go through God first. Even say it out loud, as You motion with your right hand, “God is right here beside me. Right HERE. I will not be shaken, moved, swayed, or stopped!”
Bold assertion, right? You can do it. Give it a try today. Do it again tomorrow. And all the coming tomorrows. Almighty God stands with you, Believer. Don’t quiver.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.